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These are the committees defined within CityLight Community Development Corporation. Click the view members link or the committee name to see a list of committee members. If visible for a committee, click the More info to view additional information about the committee. If there are subcommittees, a list of subcommittees will be displayed. Click on the name of the subcommittee to view the members.
Board Development Committee
The purpose of the Development Committee is to: ensure that the spirit of Christ premeates every area of CityLight, i.e effective board processes, structures and roles, including retreat planning, committee development, and board evaluation; sometimes includes role of nominating committee, such as keeping list of potential board members, orientation and training
Board of Directors
CityLight's Board of Directors shall embody the spirit of Christ to: 1. Determine the Organization's Mission and Purpose; 2. Select the Executive; 3. Support the Executive and Review His or Her Performance; 4. Ensure Effective Organizational Planning; 5. Ensure Adequate Resources; 6. Manage Resources Effectively; 7. Determine and Monitor the Organization's Programs and Services; 8. Enhance the Organization's Public Image; 9. Serve as a Court of Appeal; 10. Assess Its Own Performance
Business Membership Committee
The purpose of the CityLight's Business Membership Committee is to embody the spirit of Christ in designing, organizing and implementing a plan to recruit business memberships in CityLight. These businesses will serve as CityLight partners.
Chapter Organization and Development
The purpose of the Chapter Organization and Development Committee (Prayer Groups) is to embody the spirit of Christ in designing, organizing and implementing a plan to start CityLight Chapters Prayer Groups across the Nation and around the world for 1. worship, 2. fellowship, 3. discipleship, 4. Minstry, 5. Evangelism
Church/Ministry Membership
The purpose of the Church/Ministry Membership committee is to embody the spirit of Christ in designing, organizing and implementing a plan a plan to provide resources and assistance to churches and Ministries through CityLight Membership. CityLight will serve as an umbrella communications coordinator and resource facilitator. These churches and ministries will be designated CityLight Partners
Events and Programs Committee
The Events and Programs Committee shall embody the spirit of Christ as it plans and coordinates major events and programs, such as fundraising, team-building or planning. This committee insures that CityLight programs and events maintain our focus on: 1. Worship, 2.Fellowship, 3.Discipleship, 4. Ministry and 5. Evangelism
Executive Committee
The purpose of the Executive Committee is to embody the spirit of Christ as it oversees operations of the board; acts on behalf of the board during on-demand activities that occur between meetings, and these acts are later presented for full board review; comprised of board chair, other officers and/or committee chairs or at times just the officers; often performs evaluation of chief executive
Family Vision Membership
The purpose of the Family Vision Membership committee is to embody the spirit of Christ in designing, organizing and implementing a plan to provide resources and assistance to families and their generational Vision through CityLight Prayer Group Membership.
Finance Committee
The purpose of the Finance Committee is to embody the spirit of Christ as it oversees development of the budget; ensures accurate tracking/monitoring/accountability for funds; ensures adequate financial controls; led by the board treasurer; reviews major grants and associated terms
Fundraising Committee
The purpose of the Fundraising Committee is to embody the spirit of Christ as it oversees the development and implementation of the Fundraising Plan; identify and solicit funds from external sources of support, working with the Development Officer if available. This committee is sometimes called the Development Committee
General Membership Committee
The purpose of the General Membership Committee is to embody the spirit of Christ in designing, organizing and implementing a plan to recruit and solicit members to CityLight.
Marketing Committee
The purpose of the Marketing Committee is to embody the spirit of Christ as it oversees the development and implementation of the Marketing Plan, including identifying potential markets, their needs, how to meet those needs with products/services/programs, and how to promote/sell the programs
Presidents' Council
The Presidents' Council is composed of Chapter, Circle and group presidents. The Council shall embody the spirit of Christ in the organizational development of CityLight's mission of: 1. worship, 2. fellowship, 3. discipleship, 4. Minstry, 5. Evangelism
Public Relations Committee
The Public Relations Committee shall embody the spirit of Christ as it represents the organization to the community; enhances the organization's image, including communications with the press and community.
Youth Committee
The purpose of the Youth Committee is to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the youth of today. The Committee is charged with the responsiblity of designing, organizing and implementing a plan reach, engage and energize our youth for Jesus in 5 areas: 1. worship, 2. fellowship, 3. discipleship, 4. Minstry, 5. Evangelism

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